Now that the kids are back in school and you’ve, hopefully, settled into some semblance of a routine, how about we concentrate on getting you organized. I don’t know how it is in your house, but in mine I run around like a chicken with her head cut off making sure that the kids’ closets are organized, as well as the kitchen and homework areas. I want anywhere that is going to be a part of our school week ready to go…but that means I neglect things like my closet, office etc. So, I thought now would be a great time to round up some of my favorite organization ideas in case you too want to spend some time organizing yourself for once!
Closet Organization…Do you ever have trouble finding an outfit in the morning? My day starts off pretty hectic with two different drop offs at two different schools, so I don’t have time to wade through the unorganized chaos that my closet so often finds itself in. I made it my mission this year to make my closet much more user friendly thanks to these helpful organization ideas
Jewelry Organization..If you don’t have a system for storing your jewelry, it’s much more likely to get lost or broken. And with a sneaky little four year old with a penchant for pretty baubles residing in my house, I could stand to have a better system. If I know where everything is, I will know when something goes missing. Haha!
Home Office Organization…Nothing spruces up a home office faster than new desk accessories. Not only can a pretty pop of color change the look of your space, but you’re bound to be much more productive without clutter surrounding you. Giving everything a home really cuts down on said clutter.
So, are you ready to try out our organization ideas and devote some time to YOU? Go ahead…you deserve it…and so does your closet! Bwah!
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